Thursday, November 5, 2009

Black Trek

I spent the first half of my Mathematics class thinking of a script for a TV series similar to Star-Trek, but paralleled with what I realize are gross misrepresentations of what were already gross misrepresentations of generic black stereotypes. In case you may be wondering, I had already read through a significant portion of the chapters in which the professor had structured the first hour of class, so my time was spent doing something much more valuable in my opinion.

(I'm actually more of a Star Wars fan, and in fact, the average Trekkie will probably scoff at my superficial command of Star-Trek knowledge, but the parallels to black culture were so much more fun and easier to make when applied to the Star-Trek series..)

Black-Trek: Deep Penetration 69

[Scene 1: The $tarship Hypnotize is being chased through a time warp by a Bling-on warship] (if you're not already laughing it would be hard for us to continue being friends)

Deck Officer Wanda: Captain! Muthafucka's shootin!

[Captain J.L. Rashard henceforth referred to as Cap'n Pinkie sets his cranberry vodka on the ship's navigation control panel and furrows his brow]

Cap'n Pinkie: Blast on those fools! Full powah!!

[Enter Ronnie on the intercom, the high-yellow dude down the block who grew up in the Midwest and talks with a funny accent]

Ronnie: All the ship's power is being concentrated on keepin' the shields up. We cain't hit 'em with that stanky stank unless you wanna take some blows.

[Cap'n Pinkie to the ship's navigator, Young Jeezy]

Cap'n Pinkie: Young Jeezy got skillz! I seen him roast Po-Po after we done rolled on some niggas last week! Wanda! Tell Ayeesha to get me some ice for that drank!

[Wanda pauses for a bit, noisily purses her lips, turns and walks away in no hurry, like a disgruntled post office employee after you hand her a parcel slip]

[Cap'n Pinkie and Young Jeezy watch Wanda walk off and silently mouth 'Damn' while staring at her voluptuous booty]

Unfortunately this is as far as I got before my Math professor started a new topic on Taylor and MacLaurin series, which unfortunately I had not done before. I had to stop scriptwriting and take serious notes.


Anonymous Melesha said...

A black trek would be awesome.

November 8, 2009 at 1:29 PM  

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