Thursday, November 26, 2009

I Fought the Law and uh... I Won

Well it was actually my friend Ivan who fought the law, and he certainly won.

Ivan got a ticket from a Metro Transit Authority officer early one morning, after he put his feet on the chair beside him to take a nap while riding home. I hear stories about such disgruntled cops all the time who look for ways to turn a great night into a minor inconvenience for us happily drunk, mid-20's aged people.

Instead of paying the measly $25 fine which would eventually get tossed into the bottomless black hole that is the massive debt incurred from years of wasteful spending, Ivan both literally and figuratively put his foot down.

After having gone to the NYC Transit Adjudication Bureau Ivan came in late to Price Theory class, and he had on this priceless grin that, despite the professor's efforts, no derivation of any consumer utility function will ever be able to explain.

After class Ivan showed me this:

(I held a mirror in front of my computer and took a picture of the reflection so it wouldn't have to be read backwards, but I guess it doesn't really matter since it's still illegible)

The above is a copy of Ivan's Notice of Decision and Order after Ivan appeared in court to contest his ticket. The officer did not show up, and Ivan told the hearing officer standing in as a judge his side of the story. In the soon-to-be landmark case of Ivan Khilko vs. New York City Transit Authority (2009), the court's decision is as follows:

"TA rule 1050.7j(1) prohibits a rider from occupying more than one seat when to do so would interfere with transit operations or the comfort of other passengers. I note from the details of violation that this incident occurred at 4:15 am on a Tuesday morning. I credit the Respondent's [Ivan's] testimony that there were only two riders in the car. I find that at the early time of this incident, it is more probable that the train would have few riders so that the Respondent's conduct would not have interfered with other passengers or with transit operations. Accordingly, I find the Respondent is not in violation and the Notice of Violation is dismissed."

In other words, I made a copy of this notice so that the next time I am stretched out across the seats of the subway at 4 in the morning and an officer tells me to sit up, I will calmly refer them to the section that basically says he or she can go to hell.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Black Trek

Apparently I'm not the only one who thought of this. I need to collaborate with this guy.

The best part is the intro. I don't really understand what's going on after that.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Black Trek

I spent the first half of my Mathematics class thinking of a script for a TV series similar to Star-Trek, but paralleled with what I realize are gross misrepresentations of what were already gross misrepresentations of generic black stereotypes. In case you may be wondering, I had already read through a significant portion of the chapters in which the professor had structured the first hour of class, so my time was spent doing something much more valuable in my opinion.

(I'm actually more of a Star Wars fan, and in fact, the average Trekkie will probably scoff at my superficial command of Star-Trek knowledge, but the parallels to black culture were so much more fun and easier to make when applied to the Star-Trek series..)

Black-Trek: Deep Penetration 69

[Scene 1: The $tarship Hypnotize is being chased through a time warp by a Bling-on warship] (if you're not already laughing it would be hard for us to continue being friends)

Deck Officer Wanda: Captain! Muthafucka's shootin!

[Captain J.L. Rashard henceforth referred to as Cap'n Pinkie sets his cranberry vodka on the ship's navigation control panel and furrows his brow]

Cap'n Pinkie: Blast on those fools! Full powah!!

[Enter Ronnie on the intercom, the high-yellow dude down the block who grew up in the Midwest and talks with a funny accent]

Ronnie: All the ship's power is being concentrated on keepin' the shields up. We cain't hit 'em with that stanky stank unless you wanna take some blows.

[Cap'n Pinkie to the ship's navigator, Young Jeezy]

Cap'n Pinkie: Young Jeezy got skillz! I seen him roast Po-Po after we done rolled on some niggas last week! Wanda! Tell Ayeesha to get me some ice for that drank!

[Wanda pauses for a bit, noisily purses her lips, turns and walks away in no hurry, like a disgruntled post office employee after you hand her a parcel slip]

[Cap'n Pinkie and Young Jeezy watch Wanda walk off and silently mouth 'Damn' while staring at her voluptuous booty]

Unfortunately this is as far as I got before my Math professor started a new topic on Taylor and MacLaurin series, which unfortunately I had not done before. I had to stop scriptwriting and take serious notes.

Monday, November 2, 2009

North Korean Diet

The situation here is pretty stable.

Halloween was a sloppy mess. Whatever enthusiasm you feel when walking outside for the first time with your costume is automatically shattered when you see some idiot wearing the same thing you are. Within the span of the time it took me to get to the bar where I was going I found about 7 or 8 other Where's Waldo's.

Since I'm cheap and didn't want to spend $20 bucks on the authentic red and white striped sweater, I bought a brown and white, boys aged 12-14, striped zip-up from the ABC Super 99 retail outlet down the street from my apartment, at an economically priced $6.99.

I wore it with my brown corduroy pants and brown winter hat. I told everyone I was going for a more festive, Earth-tone Waldo, and there lies the solace I managed to salvage.

And now to explain the meaning of the title of this post...

My recent employment has left me considerably less paid than when I was a paralegal taking orders from extremely overworked associates. Still I am able to pay all the bills and have a little left over for causing mischief and mayhem. This goes without saying that I've obviously had to make some sacrifices, beginning with the food I consume.

We have staff meals every day at the Japanese restaurant where I work, so its dinner that I'm left to fend for myself. After reading a recent article on how the North Koreans creatively dealt with famine during the mid 1990's, I was inspired: I am not going grocery shopping until I've expired all the edible things in my apartment.

Tonight's dinner:

Curry Grits
Stale Olive Bread w/ Honey and Butter
Pancakes w/ Nutella (1/2 of the actual Aunt Jemima mix for the flavor, 1/2 Flour to add substance)

Tomorrow's Potential Dinner:

Regular Grits
About 8 Rotini Shells w/ stale Ragu sauce (pour water in the bottle to make it look like there's more in there...)