Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Math Galore

So I will blog about something soon. I'm studying for Math midterms and see nothing but differential equations floating through my weary mind.

For Halloween I'm dressing up as the black Where's Waldo.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lost and Found

Recently thought lost notepad was found in the back pocket of an old pair of pants I wore a few weeks ago. Along with random Japanese words I heard at work that I wanted to look up later, I found a few more thoughts I'd like to share in addition to the few from the last post.

1. New Iphone Application called "Cell-Phone Signal Jammer"

Some friends asked if I had any good ideas for an Iphone app, and I immediately thought about a bus ride I had one early Saturday morning on the way to a make-up Micro Theory class. A portly black girl sat next to me with a phone to her ear and I immediately knew there was going to be trouble. I prayed she was only checking her voicemail, but when she started cackling I knew it was one of those, "And I was like... and then he was like.... and then she were like....." conversations. And it did play out to be one of those conversations.

Anyway I thought to myself, how nice would it be to pull out my phone and emit a jamming signal that blocks cell phone service within the confines of a small radius about the size of a bus.

2. Medusa's Period

On one entire page of my notepad there were only the words "Medusa's Period" written, and I can't to this day remember what I could've possibly been thinking.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lost Thoughts

After several unsuccessful attempts to write in and not lose a small pocket journal for my notes, I'm trying to record some things that came to me within the past few weeks. The following is my hope to recover a few lost valuable thoughts.

1. A poem I wrote while waiting for the A train to take me back home late one night:

Waiting for a train.
Waiting for A train,
waiting for my life.

2. When I call customer service regarding an inquiry for my bank account, they make me type in a bunch of personal information which they say is supposed to help speed up the process. Then when I speak to a representative they make me repeat my information all over again.

3. There was an article about the newly crowned tallest man in the world, Sultan Kosen, who hails from some Anatolian plateau in Turkey. In the article they listed in no short order all the negative consequences of his abnormal pituitary excretions which included, an enlarged heart, a short life expectancy, a dependency on crutches to stand up straight, and the general feeling of being a freak. You get a sense of his unenviable disposition in his own words,

"I can't fit into a normal car, I can't go shopping like normal people, I have to have things made specially and sometimes they aren't always as fashionable. The other thing is that ceilings are low and I have to bend down through doorways."

Then, not to make the reader feel too bad for the guy, the article gives you something to lift your mood with,

"But he [Sultan Kosen] noted some advantages too, including the ability to see people coming from far away.

In conclusion, on one side of the scales of life we have the negatives (1) a short lifespan (2) heart problems until you die (3) being crippled, and (4) a general feeling of being a freak, whilst on the other side we have a positive (1) the ability to see people coming from far away.

That's all from my newly lost notepad #4 that I can remember. The next one I buy will have a proximity sensor attached, that way when I am outside of the 2 foot radius it will emit an ear piercing shriek louder than Medusa scraping her teeth against a chalkboard.